Exterior Painting Wake Forest NC
General Contractor License
Years In Business
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Licensed Exterior House Painters
126+ Reviews
When you need to hire professional exterior painters in Wake Forest, NC, our service enhances curb appeal while ensuring long-lasting and durable results that protect your home and others around the Triangle area. Your team of experienced exterior painters includes a hard work ethic and diligent commitment to quality from start to finish. Once completed, your home will look its best, possibly the best on the block.
Painting & Home Improvement Service
Our service commitment also includes an industry-leading 5-year warranty. When you hire us for premium exterior paint services, your home receives protection against cracking, blistering, or peeling paint for the entire warranty term. Our guarantee is one of many ways we support your efforts to obtain outstanding results.
All of your exterior painting and repairs are done by us in-house, eliminating the hassle of needing other companies, resulting in delays. From siding replacement to deck repairs, your service is complete and streamlined in a way that removes the unwanted stress of hiring home services.
Our Painters Preparation
Our painters thoroughly prepare your home exterior for long-lasting protection. No shortcuts are taken when we prepare for exterior painting, starting with washing the entire house to remove unwanted dirt and mildew.
When the washing is complete, we’ll scrape all loose paint and prime the surface as needed. We ensure all standard prep measures, including sealing all nail holes and caulking all cracks and expansion joints. Our materials include Crawford Painter Putty and premium exterior acrylic caulk like Sherwin-Williams Maxflex, leaving a sealed surface ready for paint.
#1 Customizable Painting Approach
#2 Surface Cleaning
#3 Covering Preparation
#4 Application/ Clean Up
Our exterior painting preparation steps are a massive factor in the long-term surface protection we guarantee. In turn, you have peace of mind knowing that exterior painters follow manufacturer specifications, ensuring all stages of the process are completed thoroughly and according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Estimates & Exterior Painting
We aim to be as thorough as possible when we access your home for repair costs. Our estimators have experience and a trained eye that can catch over 90% of siding and trim repairs from ground level.
Exterior house painting costs in Wake Forest, NC, vary based on the surface type and conditions. Our service includes a detailed assessment of the work and expenses. Painting proposals include photographs that reveal the location of any damages, marked in red. Our quotes also list and itemize each area we are painting, show the paint type, how many coats, and how the paint is applied.
Most quotes we provide include the cost for two coats of paint from leading brands like Sherwin-Williams, while a few other paint companies use Behr Paint. Our team will review your home and provide you with paint recommendations for maximum performance for your siding, trim, and other areas.
Additional Paintable Exterior Surfaces
Full-Service Exterior Painting Options
Spraying vs. Brushing Exterior Paint
Our spraying and brushing recommendations are based on the needs of your home for the best exterior painting results, given the unique advantages they each provide.
Spraying is often the most even finish and is best when applying dark paint colors over large areas. If you’re changing the color of your home exterior, spraying house paint also requires fewer coats.
Hand-brushing can provide a more durable finish, especially on damaged surfaces or textured materials. However, painting with a brush can create more visible brush marks. When in question, we will select the method that will provide the best results and never recommend unnecessary techniques or services.
Choosing the Best Paint For Each Surface
The paint quality on your home’s exterior will directly affect its longevity. Our expert painters select a quality exterior paint that withstands the elements and can be applied to multiple surfaces under several conditions.
Home exterior paint requirements vary, so we don’t limit our recommendations to one type. We thoroughly assess your home and consider the potential color to recommend a product that will provide beauty and long-lasting results.
Our exterior paint recommendations for your Wake Forest home consider products that excel at color retention, moisture protection, and surface adhesion under the weather conditions at the time of application. Luckily, there are exterior paint solutions for each season!
Find Answers To The Most Common Questions About Exterior Painting.
Here is a short list of questions and answers that will help you better understand the painting process and the best practices for the service.
What To Expect From Us
Wake Forest, NC Exterior Painting Service
Over 126+ Google Reviews
You can confidently contact us knowing you will hear from one of the highest-rated, licensed exterior house painters in Wake Forest, NC!
1. Appointment
Contact us for your onsite or virtual quote. Optional calendars are provided to self-schedule appointments, requiring no disruptions to your day!
2. Quote/ Hiring​
Receive your quote within 24hrs. Enjoy the benefits of a detailed electronic contract that conveniently offers credit card payment options!
3. Work Onsite
We are incredibly knowledgeable, net, and maintain a straightforward means of communicating the project, service details, and overall production.
4. Final Walk-Through​
Our quality is held to the highest standards and is inspected & guaranteed by a written warranty prior to final payment.
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A Top-Rated Exterior Painter | Warrantied Service